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Berkeley / Los Angeles / Ireland


by Ward Stothers

Jesus, Giver of our every breath
Leash, for wandering appetites,
Temper of our tearful regrets,
This day
With deepest shalom
Give us the Bread of Heaven.

Merciful One, may our offered lives be enough to move people
Towards your waiting comfort,
To spread many more chances of forgiveness.
At humanity’s mealtime,
Correct vision
Soften scoff
Burgeon praise.
Alight the storm clouds of your glory,
Changing the face of sin?
You call, we care
True God
We worship.

Just One, seed the crop of your blessed rule;
Your prophets are sleeping
On monied mattresses of
Personal peace and hollow core images
With no public stir
From salt and light.

Are we so bereft of talking justly
That you use someone else
who doesn’t even know you,
Contributing more questions
Than our ordained mullahs,
In dogging justice
With fuelled orations
Holding a video recorder
Donning a baseball cap.

Teach us all to shout, sing, and dance
To your liberty bell,
Christ Almighty,
Christ alone,
Christ Divine!   

Holy God, tip your bottomless cruet of exceeding grace
In waterfalling fullness on us,
Flowing down for sips of wholeness
At Communion’s ho-down;
Tripping with the Master
On life’s nourishing dance floor,
Revolution feeding revolution.
In your time
We will sit, celebrate, and feast on life.


Copyright © 2004 Ward Stothers